Sultanas & Raisins

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A few miles to the north east of Manisa: one of the largest Sultanas producing areas on the planet, lies the village of Nuriye producing probably the best sultanas in the whole region. That’s where you can find our processing operation - a co-operation with Temel Gida, surrounded by vineyards.  

On arrival from the fields where our agronomists ensure that good agriculture practices (GAP) are respected, Sultanas and Raisins are classed according to quality, size and colour. Storage in 500 lt bins respect the integrity of the fruit throughout the season and allow for a perfect traceability. Our uniquely designed storage facility ensures smooth delivery of the fruit and ideal storage conditions thoughout the season. The fruit is then graded, sieved, double washed, stemmed and lightly dressed with premium quality vegetable oil to ensure free flowing and smooth aspect. Equipped with several laser scanners, permanent magnets, online metal detectors, X-Ray sorters and an oven dryer, our process ensures that we continuously supply safe and quality products both for industrial customers - cereal manufacturers, bakeries, salads etc..., and for renown supermarkets in several formats of retail bags.
